Saturday, November 04, 2006

The mount...

I was just reading about Pappy's fella's experience in the dog park this past week and PF's embarrassment of Pappy's Ugly Secret. As I commented to PF's post, mounting between dogs is usually an exercise in dominance rather than a sexual release. But what peaked my interest more was the reaction of the Golden's owner, shrieking that the behavior was unacceptable, and insinuating that Pappy was some kind of filthy monster. One word: ANTHROPOMORPHISM. Okay, and maybe an entire sentence --- as JAY-Z might say "... (her) whole perspective is whacked."

Pappy doesn't mean any harm, nor is he trying to embarrass anybody. His mind isn't in the gutter. He's just doing what comes naturally --- pack behavior. So PF, grab that squirt gun and associate a little uncomfortable-ness to the Papster every time he begins that mount.


Nat said...

Every once in a while I see a really well trained dog like this one, and I say to myself "I really need to get down to work". Then I think about carrying around spray bottles, clickers, and treats all the time and say "naaaa!" Too lazy I guess.

3dogcache said...

What a cool mutt...